
Monday 30 April 2018

First of the season

April passed by without wetting a line, still busy though, cleaning gear from last season, sorting tackle, servicing reels and recceing waters for the coming season.

An old battle with the mice has recommenced, after my neighbour moved and took their cats with them! Hopefully I can keep on top of them without having to get a cat as I don't think the dog will be too pleased.

14mm halibut pellet did the trick


Having joined a new club with a vast number of waters under their control, I've been putting the time in this closed season walking the banks, gaining some good info on these new stretches with a Deeper fish finder.

I've carried out detailed recces on 5 new stretches and also a familiar stretch I've never had any success on. I'm hoping these recces will help with my chub, barbel and pike targets this coming season.

I'm also thinking about joining a club that has access to a few Lincolnshire drains and some water on the tidal Trent. I haven't made my mind up yet, the club is reasonably priced so even if I do join and only fish a few times it will save some day ticket money when I have the odd trip away from my local waters.

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