Another session before work, further downstream than my recent sessions. A stretch that I rarely bother with and only chose due to the easy access.
One rod only on this part of the river, a relatively deep stretch so a simple running lead and deadbait setup.
First cast at 1130hrs and a take less than half an hour later.
10lb 3oz, very pleasing after a few blanks.
A change to a larger bait, 30 minutes with no interest and I decided to slowly wind the bait in to see if anything follows. Something did, I was running out of water so I give the bait a fast pull as it approached the bank and the following fish nailed it.
For a seceond I thought it was the first fish again, until it powered off and put a good bend in the rod. A really good scrap with the fish staying deep for a lot of it.
18lb 2oz, the best of the season so far. |
The fish was carrying some obvious otter damage, fresh wounds down both flanks and half of the adipose fin was missing. I haven’t seen otters this far downstream, but there’s no reason why they wouldn’t be here.
This fish was hooked just in the scissors on the bottom treble, with all three points embedded, a bit of a pain so I cut the barbs and points of to make things easier and the treble fell out.
A quick sort out of the gear before re-casting and I couldn’t find my cutters, I usually carry two pairs, but on a short session like this I try to minimise kit. I couldn’t find them anywhere and I was convinced that I’d left them in the landing net when returning the fish.
The margins are deep here so I couldn’t see anything, pissed off not wanting to recast without having the right kit I spent another 15 mins searching then decided to pack up and go to work early.
As I was packing away I found them under some vegetation, It must of took me 10 seconds to get the rod out again!
The wind had picked up with some powerful gusts so I had to tighten the drop arm on the back biter, as I like to have them set very lightly to minimise resistance.
10 mins before I had to leave and 2 beeps on the delkim, then nothing, a couple of seconds later, a few more beeps, a nod on the rod tip, then the back biter went. I must of tightened the arm a bit much as I rarely get any indication on the tip, the arm usually drops without any movement on the tip.
As soon as I struck I thought to myself ‘that was a bit early’ and so it was. A low double on the surface, bait and both trebles easily seen, carefully edging it towards the net. As soon as the pike saw the net it rolled and easily threw the hook hold.
I tried another last cast but it was to no avail and I ended up late for work..... never mind.
Hopefully I can get out again ASAP, before any snowmelt makes it into the river and kills the fishing.