Each season I generally set myself a number of targets, usually aiming for a fish over a certain weight from a specific venue. 2021/22 targets were a p.b eel, a river best barbel, a river best pike and a 5lb plus chub from a certain river. For the most part my season was focused on these targets with the odd deviation for some river perch.
My season started mid May, eel fishing a couple of venues but mainly focusing on a large gravel pit. I managed two eels from the gravel pit, the largest about 2lb, not the targeted personal best but a good sign for future seasons, maybe.
As usual my focus shifted towards running water not long after the rivers opened, another season when I should of held off and spent more time eel fishing as the local barbel weren't playing ball. It was early August before I managed to get some decent results, a trip to the wye produced my first wye double and I also added a few oz to my best wye chub.
New wye best - 10.01lb |
Locally I also managed to increase my river best barbel from a venue I rarely fish, a good river with a good head of fish but its a bit of a trek so I only fish it occasionally when I'm frustrated on more challenging venues.
A few oz added to a local river best |
Things didn't really take off until late autumn/early winter when I had a few visits to the trent, two average sessions, followed by two epic sessions. During the last 2 sessions I landed 18 barbel, 12 of which were doubles, I beat my pb on 3 occasions finishing with a new best of 14.12lb.
14.12lb |
I struggled with chub this season with all my best fish coming whilst barbel fishing.
I achieved my target by default catching a few chub to over 5lb from the targeted river on barbel gear, I also managed my first 5 from another river again whilst barbel fishing. All my attempts at chub fishing this season have been in vain as I didn't land a chub whilst fishing for them !
To be fair I have been fishing for them on a stretch that holds very few chub, however the fish that do occasionally turn up are massive by local standards. I'll be back next winter, aiming for a 6lb plus fish.
I landed on some good perch fishing so I decided to take advantage and gave the area a number of sessions, I managed a good number of 2lb + fish, a few 3lb + fish topping out at a new best of 3.15lb.
Time spent barbel fishing during some unseasonably mild weather and taking advantage of stumbling across some good perch fishing left little time for pike, I can count the number of pike sessions I had on one hand. Despite the lack of sessions I caught a twenty pounder from my local river and caught my first pike from another river (both doubles).
2021/22 highlights -
Barbel - 14.12lb
Bream - 6.08lb
Chub - 5.04lb
Eel - 2lb (unweighed)
Perch - 3.15lb
Pike - 20.01lb
Overall a very pleasing season, despite a few periods of no fishing (various reasons) I managed 3 out of 4 targets, beat a number of p.b's and capped it off with a local twenty, something I have been pursuing for a good number of years.
Plans are in place for next season, a couple of new club tickets have arrived this week, recces planned and after another month or so I'll be out eel fishing, cant wait!